Regular readers of our blogs will know that we have been working on tidying the Nave area of Keynsham Abbey. Part of this has involved moving some carved stones which had been buried under a collapsed wall.
In March and April, we were pleased to host two working visits by Keynsham 1st Scouts, who helped us to clear the Cloister bed of stones and weeds and to transfer the carved stonework from the Nave to the Cloister. These were joyful evenings and the scouts put in an amazing amount of work clearing and seeding beds, digging out a self-seeded sapling as well as working in the Nave and Cloister.
Further work was carried out by members of Keynsham Abbey Working Group to lay weed suppressant on the former flower bed, to cover this with flat stones and then to arrange the carved stonework so that it can be better seen and appreciated by visitors.
A special thank you to the Keynsham 1st Scouts for their help and interest. We hope future events can be arranged.